We had a fabulous time at kejimkujik! Their is so much to talk about but lets start with our epic bike ride to the……visitor center? At first we were excited but we were GRUMPY & ANGRY when we found out that it was at least 10 km just to get there. To make things worse Midas hurt his paw and had to walk the whole way home with Mom.
There were still a lot of ups in the park starting with making my two new friends Sam and Joe from Halifax. We had fun playing at the park together! We also enjoyed playing atlatl (a Mi’kmaq hunting game) on the beach! We also paddled down the river on an 18 person canoe, enjoying the wild life which included ducklings, a mother beaver and deer. We learned how erosion changed all the small grass islands as we canoed zigzagging through the grass islands and trying to avoid logs. We also learned that kijimkujik means tight water ways and that there is no way to remember the name except with practice which was disappointing to hear. Another thing that was quite enjoyable were the beaches. After completing Keji’s Explorer guide, I was proud to be declared an official kejimkujik Explorer.