Who we are:
"We'd rather live in a crowded trailer than an empty castle."
The Cyre clan is an adventurous family of five that has a true love of the outdoors and everything nature has to offer. As a family we have always tried to pursue what makes us happy and enjoy this crazy journey called life. Impacted by the oilfield layoffs in Alberta, we have come to the realization that we have been given a gift, the gift of time. We have chosen to use our time wisely and spend it together, travelling across the country, connecting with each other and this amazing land of ours, in celebration of Canada's 150th birthday.
Our Journey:
We have four months to travel east from Calgary, AB to Canada's East Coast. The majority of our stay will be in provincial and national parks. Our home away from home will be our 17 ft trailer, "Kermit". It won't always be easy but we'll be together and we'll be living life on our own terms, creating memories that won't soon be forgotten. We will miss our friends and support system dearly but will have many stories to tell upon our return...
What makes us "Cyreiously Canadian"?

We love the ice and snow
We love icefishing and skating
We own a dogsled and our schnauzer is trained to pull it
Our favourite food is mac and cheese
We can bbq in -20 deg C
We feel at home in the mountains, the plains and on the coast
We say eh, wear touques and hockey and ringette are our passions.